Amazing Marketing Tips for Personal Injury Attorneys

For a Tampa personal injury attorney, local competition is usually stiff. That competition isn’t just competition for clients, though that’s plenty fierce, too.

No, there is also plenty of competition for marketing and advertising position in the city, too. Wordstream reports that the cost-per-click for an online ad can be over $900 per click.
In light of that, marketing and advertising represent a significant cost for attorneys, especially those who run small law firms.

Fortunately, some of the best marketing tactics for the average Tampa personal injury attorney are anything but average. When employed correctly, these marketing tools have the power to transform your small lawn firm.

Here’s a look at some of them.

1. Take a Look at Public Records

According to the ABA Journal, personal injury lawyers have some advantages over other types of attorneys. If they label their marketing materials as “attorney advertising,” they are allowed to mail advertising letters to victims of accidents.

The savvy personal injury lawyer can connect with people after a serious accident and become a point of hope if he/ she handles the interaction correctly. A well-thought-out letter written with kindness and sympathy can go a long way with someone who has experienced suffering.

2. Create Useful Content

According to RW Lynch, a marketing company that focuses specifically on marketing lawyers, content marketing does something that many other types of marketing techniques don’t do quite as well. It creates useful content for people to consume at a time when they’re facing some significant challenges.

Usually, this content comes in the shape of a blog post, though videos, Twitter chats and other types of content can also apply.

As has been pointed out by Lexology, people don’t make impulse decisions when they retain the services of an attorney. They hire an expert, the person they believe can help them with their problem/s.

How do they know if you’re an expert? They read your blogs. They watch your videos. They come to the free talks you give in the community. The power of content marketing, then, is in the long game and your ability to express helpfulness and compassion through your efforts.

3. Find a Niche and Stick to It

When you choose a niche, especially one that doesn’t have a great deal of competition, you develop your brand. It’s easy to underestimate how powerful this tactic is.

Here’s a example. One attorney in Miami decided he would concentrate on traffic tickets and only traffic tickets. His law firm became the first to specialize in this area of law.

Doing this allowed him to advertise and stand out because no one else was doing what he was doing. Granted, traffic tickets aren’t personal injury cases. However, the lesson from his marketing practices is still relevant.

Ask yourself what types of law are few if any lawyers in your area practicing; for example, maybe you’re the only attorney in your area that specializes in premises liability and more specifically, premises liability in restaurants and bars. Embrace that particular speciality in your area, and your firm will eventually stand above all the others.

Final Thoughts

Marketing for Tampa lawyers can be as competitive as the actual practice of law. This means that these lawyers need to really focus on what makes them unique and on marketing strategies, like content creation, that don’t cost much. For the lawyer who takes these steps, success can be obtained if he/ she is willing to play the long game