5 Quick Ways to Increase Link Diversity

It can seem hard to come up with diverse links if you’ve been relying on only one type of site for a long time. This is especially true if you’re actually using link-building software. Still, it’s never too late to increase link diversity and make your profile of backlinks look more natural. Here are some tips from marketing expert Whitney Blodgett.

• Look for sites built with a different type of platform than the one you usually put links on. If you usually comment on blogs, open some social bookmarking accounts to drop links on or vice versa.

• Join some forums that aren’t picky about new members having links. Some forums will allow you to put your link in your member profile even if you can’t drop one into your forum signature.

• Put up some good old-fashioned link bait. A shocking or controversial blog post can get people to legitimately link to it from all sorts of sites and forum posts.

• Hire someone to get more links for you. Make sure he or she has good reviews from satisfied customers. Avoid highly-priced offers; this service is much less involved than full-fledged search engine optimization and should be priced accordingly.

• Put up some quality content that will stay useful for years. You’ve likely heard it before, but it really works. The catch is that it works so slowly that it may seem to not work at all. Over the years, however, people will find useful content and bother to link to it from all sorts of places. Eventually you’ll have a ranking powerhouse.

With these tips, you should be well on your way to building a diverse link portfolio. Always keep your eyes open for a place to drop a link where it won’t be deleted. After a while, it’ll be second nature for you to spot opportunities to both build and diversify the backlinks pointing at your site.